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Prioritize these features when implementing a Digital Product Passport
A digital product passport is a unique digital identity that is assigned to a specific product. It provides a comprehensive overview of the product’s characteristics, including its origin, composition, and sustainability information. It can be difficult to know where to start, and that is why Blippa wants to help you get going. Implementing a digital […]
Benefits of a Digital Product Passport
A digital product passport is an electronic document that provides comprehensive and accurate information about a product. It can be accessed and shared digitally, making it an efficient and convenient way to manage product information. One of the key benefits of a digital product passport is that it allows manufacturers to easily share comprehensive and […]
Type-as-you-go in variables
When objects are created, it is good to have all options pre-defined. Like brands, models, colours etc etc. The downside is that it creates new administration tasks, something we all can do without. So, to solve this, we now have deveoped a type-as-you-go system for variables. As soon as you have typed a car model, […]
How to add users to a Role using Excel files
In Blippa, there is now a function that allows you to upload (or link using Dropbox) an Excel file containing users. The excel file can contain emails or social security numbers (Swedish: personnummer) plus other data. How-to: Make an Excel file with headings on row 1 and then the user data on row 2 etc. […]
How to render variables as phone or email links
Sometimes you want a phone number to instantly make a call. Or an email to send an email. Now you can do that easily. When using the Blippa variables to display phone numbers or email address you can mark these as click links. You can now add :tel or mailto: as a prefix to a […]
Dropbox integration!
We have now released the new Dropbox integration. With this, data in the new Data Sources like Excel files can be edited and saved to Dropbox. The new data will automatically be updated in all Blippa objects, without the need to upload a new file to Blippa. This is also useful when using Blippa to […]
More options for sending QR codes to print companies.
We have modified the “Download QR as PDF” to allow choosing between creating one PDF with one QR sticker on each page, or one PDF with many QR stickers on each page. Different print partners prefer different files, so this option is to cover both methods. Also, the cutting line needed is made in a […]
Play around at our new Blippa staging servers!
We needed a better way to test big changes so we added a serious staging environment for the system. Works great for us at Blippa. But, since all content is copied every night from our production servers, your Blippa account is also copied.So, you can play around with your objects, templates, variables and data […]
Just released: Blippa Data Sources!
We have now taken the knowledge gained in our latest customer projects and developed a super smooth way to get data into large amounts of Blippa objects. The new Data Sources is now available for admins under Data Sources differs from Integrations in that they are only to be used as data feeds, versus […]
Render a Blippa variable as EAN code
We have now made it possible to render a text variable as EAN code. This only works in the editor. Example: $var:myvariable:barcode$ You can also specify what kind of EAN code to generate: $var:myvariable:barcode:ean$ $var:myvariable:barcode:code39$ $var:myvariable:barcode:isbn$ etc. Here is a list of all possible options and the corresponding EAN version. "ean8": EAN8, "ean13": EAN13, "ean": […]
How to solve the prompt "login" problem (iPhone)
Spoiler alert – switch to public mode. Even though the Login checkbox “Remember me” is selected, the login menu appears every time. This can be fairly annoying in the long run, especially for Blippa editors doing hundreds of tests per day. The solution is fairly simple: On iPhone, Safari is the default browser. So, Safari […]
Dynamic images now supported!
We have now added support for dynamic images in Blippa. With this, images containing variables from Blippa can be created with ease. Just create a SVG file and insert the text $var:name$ where name is the variable to use. The content of the variable will replace the $var:name$ when shows the image. Super Easy! […]
Do we need to create the objects before we print the QR labels?
No, you can print hundreds of QR labels without any corresponding objects. At first use of the QR code, you can select if the QR shall be used to create a new object based on a template, connect it to an existing object or create an object from scratch. This is suitable for scenarios like […]
Can we use Excel to create objects?
Excel is a great tool to use when creating hundreds or thousands of Blippa objects. Combined with Blippas “Swiss army knife”, the variables, you can create thousands of individual objects in no-time 🙂 How-to: Create a Template. In the template, create variables to be used (like serial_number etc) for everything you like to have “dynamic”. […]
Can I use variables in Link?
When using the Link function in Blippa, it might be useful to send some parameter to the link target. This is possible by just using this syntax in the link:$var:street$+$var:street_no$,+$var:post_code$+$var:city$ (Note: In this case, the Blippa object must have a variables named street, street_no, post_code and city). Sweden, use:$var:gata$+$var:gatunummer$,+$var:postnummer$+$var:ort$
Can an object have more than one QR code?
Each Blippa object can have one or more links. And since our QR codes are just links, you can have several QR codes opening the same object web page. This is also useful if your label needs to be replaced. Just apply a fresh label, scan the QR and choose “Connect to an existing object”. […]